Mahindra has inaugurated a new electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing and battery assembly facility at its Chakan plant in Pune. The facility is part of Mahindra’s broader plan to enhance its presence in the electric mobility segment and produce its upcoming line of Electric Origin SUVs.
Located within Mahindra’s 2.83 square kilometer Chakan manufacturing hub, the new facility is designed with sustainability in focus. The Chakan hub is powered by renewable energy and maintains a water-positive status, highlighting its alignment with sustainable industrial practices.
This development is part of Mahindra’s ₹16,000 crore investment plan for FY22 to FY27, out of which ₹4,500 crore has been allocated specifically for EV operations. These funds cover areas such as powertrain development, technology upgrades, and increased manufacturing capacity.
The manufacturing unit features advanced automation technologies, including over 1,000 robots and automated material handling systems. Such automation is expected to improve production efficiency and standardize quality across the manufacturing process.
Battery Production
The battery assembly line at the Chakan plant is equipped to produce high-performance batteries with a focus on durability and safety. Automated systems and patented designs have been integrated to ensure reliable output. Additionally, batteries undergo rigorous testing under conditions that simulate real-world usage, aiming to meet industry safety and performance standards.
The facility also aims to achieve a 25% gender diversity ratio in its workforce and emphasizes skill development programs. This focus on workforce inclusivity is aligned with broader trends in the automotive industry to address future skill requirements and enhance gender diversity.
This facility supports the Indian government’s “Make in India” initiative and contributes to the country’s sustainability goals, including its commitments under COP26 to reduce emissions by 2030. By increasing local manufacturing capabilities, Mahindra also aims to reduce reliance on imports in the EV sector.
The launch of this facility comes at a time when the Indian automotive industry is experiencing rapid changes. The demand for electric vehicles has grown, driven by policy support, incentives for EV buyers, and an increasing focus on sustainable transport solutions. The Chakan facility positions Mahindra as a key player in this evolving landscape while contributing to the larger shift towards electric mobility in India.